Sunday, 10 August 2014

We Survived Summer!!!

Tomorrow is the 11th of August and most parents are rejoicing because their kids go back to school and daycare in Finland.
Even the bus schedule changes to allow for more routes and buses per route.

Typically, SH and I dread summer mostly because he still would like to get work done and having the kids at home usually prevents that.
Also, the last few summers here have been wet and with a tight budget, no car and a child that despised travelling anyway -what were we going to do??
The first summer after daycare ended, I was nearly crying everyday because of the meltdowns V-Man would have because his whole schedule had been turned upside down. Then to top it off, the weather sucked. Constantly raining or at least 95% of the time...we had a tough summer. Loads of tantrums, long nights, screaming and frustration -not fun for anyone.

But thanks to overnight care and the sunniest summer ever (for us anyway) - I'm happy to announce that it went pretty well!!
In fact, the tantrums mostly came from A-Man and more recently, M-Girl as she is cutting her first tooth!!
We were able to go swimming a lot, hiking, go for walks (thanks to the harness), visit friends nearby and spend loads of time at the playgrounds. We can't take V-Man to any playground that's not fenced in entirely but he didn't seem to mind. And whenever he had overnight care, we took A-Man to the bigger one near us (not fenced in) - so A-Man could really run around and meet other children.

I have been keeping busy with crocheting a dress for M-Girl and had finished a little cardigan for her too (need to get buttons) and tomorrow I plan to stock up on some yarn for my boys so I can try to make them sweaters too!!

And the littlest one has successfully pulled herself up into a standing position while holding onto furniture or our legs... She just turned 6 months and we are stunned.  She's getting faster and more confident everyday... And it freaks us out!

I'm also working on setting up a Facebook page for this blog, so I can put little updates there like funny (or not) things going on... Things that are too long for twitter or too short to blog about.

Anyways, two kids won't sleep and I have a stack of magazines to flip through for potential sweater patterns for the kids!!
Until next time!!

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