Wednesday, 25 January 2017

My New Year Resolutions for 2017

2017 has already started and I'm super delayed in writing this post...go figure.

I'm currently working at my second work practice, going to the gym 5-6x a week and I have continued running!
(Yeah I'm shocked too.  Trust me.)
I mean - running/walking/jogging - henceforth known as 'wogging'! in the MORNING with the dogs....

Anyway, here's my NY Resolutions:
  • A new recipe a week - this is manageable and realistic! - although, blogging about it - seems impossible.  Hence I have Instagram! Give me a follow! :D
  • BLOG more!  Vlogging has gone down the wayside thanks to my phone microphone not working well - at least no guarantee when filming with the front facing camera...
  • Get abs - by END of 2017! - They don't need to be a 20-pack.  I'd be happy with a 4-pack...who am I kidding - a 2-pack would be a dream...because I HATE ab exercises!
    • Keep fit: I've taken up "Wogging" with the dogs and V-Man...2 days in the row (as of me writing this) I've woken up early and gone out the door around 6am...successfully.  In the cold.  
    • Eat well but smaller portions and chug that water back!
  • Speak Finnish more: I apparently annoy my teachers with my English a lot...ah well.
  • Reduce waste in the home: I'm bringing my resuable bags to the grocery store more and if I forget or need more bags - I opt for paper bags so I can use them for compost!
  • Knit myself a sweater: it's started.  It's in roving (which means it falls and breaks apart easily as I knit - which causes me to curse the wooly gods....) - but the pattern can be found here and I love how simple it is.  
    • I've told myself for YEARS to make myself's about time I get on it.  I'm using the #BIMUKnits - so you can follow along my journey and my sweater's journey of wherever I may knit it!  It's pretty new - like 24-hours - give me some time! :D
  • Embrace myself as I am and try to better myself as much as I can - mentally, physically and as a parent: self-explanatory.
  • Teach the V-Man basic kitchen skills: actually - all the kids.  But especially him.  I have big plans for his future and I'm confident he can do it with a lot of practice and repetition. 
  • Learn something new every month and push myself: Not just recipes but new exercises, new things to do with the kids and so on.
  • Take better care of my skin: I have super dry skin and live in a fairly dry climate.
    Dry skin + dry climate + cooking student life = eczema, cracked grandma heels, nasty scaly dragon-looking skin...(*cue a joke about being the Mother of Dragons....*)

I think these are all fairly reasonable and necessary for me.
My older resolutions used to be about not cracking my knuckles...guess what? I still do it.  It's my equivalent to smoking or drinking...I just have to!

Do you stick to your resolutions for a long period of time or do they go to the wayside after a week or two? :)


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