About Me

Hi there!
I'm a mother of 3 - 2 boys - V-Man and A-Man and a little M-Girl.
I know all parents say their kids are awesome and perfect and this blog is to show you that my kids are pretty cool but at the same time - they can drive us all up the f-in' wall.

V-Man is a non-verbal Autistic kid with the strength of an ox...
A-Man is becoming verbal, average kid and full of attitude...but charming - which is a bit of a problem.  And he can now say "Oh sh*t!" (March 2015).
He has been recently diagnosed with SLI (Specific Language Impairment) - you can read about that here.
M-Girl is the easiest happy baby ever provided she isn't teething, pooping or left alone...she's a Trekkie - well, a "Klingon"...haha get it?

Anyways, I love food (cooking, baking, eating, reviewing...), travelling, watching movies and tv-series, crafts and most recently...Instagram!
And of course, I do enjoy updating this blog when I can - usually once the kids are asleep and I often hope the typos are minimal if I blog with my phone.  (Auto-correct can be a pain in the butt!)

And yes, as the title of this blog suggests - I do blog in my undies!
Why bother sweating in clothing (especially in summer months) and giving myself extra laundry to do - when I don't have to?
And surely, I'm not the only person in the world who chills out at home in their jammies or undies! :)

So you'll find food, crafts, kids, experiences I've had and my repeated attempts at trying to get fit (will have to convince the hubby to take photos of my chub decreasing I guess!) and juicing!

I've decided to do away with the Learning About Finland parts and put them into a separate blog, which you can find here - it's super new and many of the posts from here will be copied into that one as I work on it.  So if you notice that some posts may be "missing" - that's why!

So there ya have it!
Enjoy and if you like my blog - do feel free to share it and pass it along! :)

Last update: October 2015

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