Thursday 31 July 2014

Mung Bean Failure

I thankfully am one of those people that can cook (read a recipe and follow it), bake (same thing), crochet or knit (ditto) but apparently trying to sprout mung beans or anything else green-thumb related is a no go.
Man do I suck at this!  And it's not even HARD! It's something your kids could do by the time they're five-years old...and I totally failed my first time...

I confess I have managed to kill a bamboo plant's THAT bad sometimes!

A friend of mine had sprouted some awhile ago and I got to have some with a stir-fry and they were lovely!
She swore it was super easy to make them at home and you don't need much! In fact, she sent me this video of how to grow your own (soy)bean sprouts by Maangchi and despite the two different types- the basic idea is the same.

How did I fail this simple project?
  • I forgot to rinse them twice a day.
  • I scooped far too many beans into my little container and the skins that fell off started to rot (smell funny to me) because I put way too much and there was just so much to pick through!
  • They weren't in a dark enough container.
I just don't have the memory for growing things - kids are a different category and I will try again but with a lot less beans in my bowl!

So next time I try - perhaps I'll start another batch tonight! I'll take progress photos and go from there.

I can't be the ONLY person in the world that sucks at indoor gardening - RIGHT?!
(Friend of mine confessed to killing a cactus...that made me feel a lot better actually.)


Wednesday 30 July 2014

Phases -Autism Style

I know that autism can be a sensitive topic but I feel that our experiences are worth sharing publicly because there are so many people out there with children recently diagnosed or not diagnosed yet and perhaps this will help you cope.
Or maybe you live in an area where autism support isn't available to you or like me, you don't know anyone else nearby with autistic children.
I suppose that's the great thing about the internet and technology. There's all kinds of forums, blogs, Youtube channels and articles to read!

I should state it now I do not think that vaccines are the cause of autism. If that were the case, my other two children would have shown signs by now along with millions others.
That theory was debunked and the doctor was stripped of his licenses.

Now, moving on, Super Hubby and I have noticed that V-Man goes through phases like any other child but his can be a bit different than average. Okay, A LOT different.
And after putting him to bed tonight he pointed out that the progress that's been made is truly amazing - comparing to the past!
I don't remember what order they happened in, so they may not be in specific order:
  • V-Man refused to be held by SH until he was nearly ten months. Refused a bottle or a soother.
    • He drinks from any kind of water bottle or container and was able to drink from a straw from about 6-months old.
  • Pinching and biting - the biting is mostly gone and both were more based on frustration than anger.
    • Now it's more based on anger with his little brother!
  • Only falling asleep with SH or I lying beside him.
    • Only falling asleep on the sofa while we watched our shows (we're into DVD TV series and would let the intro music and end music play so it would be repetitive and keep him sleepy).  House and Dexter were his favourites for boring opening music!
    • Only falling asleep to a playlist from "Boyce Avenue playlist all songs" on Youtube - Heaven forbid it skipped a song or played in the wrong order!
    • Only falling asleep to "Simply Noise" (free noise generator site)
    • Currently, he now sleeps in his own bed and room (A-Man's still in bed with me) and all we have to do is walk him to bed and say, "Good night - we'll see you in the morning! Love you."
  • Rubbing chests - female or male.  But male chests were better because they didn't wear bras...yeah he aimed for nipples.
  • Squeezing boobs...
  • Nibbling people's fingers and arms.
  • Grabbing people's bottoms - especially from his stroller seat on the bus.
  • Cuddling to complete random strangers.  One time we went to a beach and he sat in a young man's lap who was about to have a beer and of course I was alone because SH had a conference out of country! (This was also pre-diagnosis - so of course MEGA embarrassing!) 
  • Playing with plastic bottles - doesn't care for that as much.
  • Sticks are his current favourite..
  • Pulling laundry off the laundry rack and running around with it.
  • Eating dog food (typically during teething).
  • Refusing to go for hikes - he'd scream the whole time in the middle of the woods - but now he enjoys himself if he wears his harness (which he loves too!) and has a stick.
  • Refusing to eat meat and now he at least tries food before deciding he doesn't like it.  
    • Prefers to eat rice the next day when it's a bit crunchy.
    • Previously only eating French fries, yoghurt and crackers.
      • He's not eating French fries very much these days which was a huge shocker to me!
  • Jumping and play wrestling - that'll probably never go away!  And that's fine with us.
  • He used to let A-Man bully him around but now he's sticking up for himself which is both a good thing and a bad thing!
 I'm sure there are many others but if I don't post this soon - I may forget entirely! :)

Monday 28 July 2014

My Highway Warrior Princess Story

Yesterday a couple friends, M-Girl and I drove to the capital city and decided a trip to Ikea was necessary.
Shockingly, my friend and I were in and out of Ikea in 30 minutes.  More shockingly is that we didn't buy so much and I think that's partially because it was at the beginning of our trip and we would have to carry our purchases with us for the remainder of the trip until the driver friend picked us up late in the evening (at least 6 hours later).
There was an Ikea bus service that came every 2 hours or so - Sunday was less frequent of course and it was a free bus!  Score - a bus to take us and our small purchases to downtown and when we got to the bus stop, there were other people waiting.  Which was awesome because it meant we didn't miss the bus that should have been there 3 minutes prior.

Anyway, we waited and waited and the other people asked the Ikea staff and security where the bus was.  One security guard called the bus line and they said they'll call back when they can.
So how does a massive blue and yellow Ikea bus go missing?

A man that was waiting for his wife called her and asked where she was because the bus was about thirty minutes late by then.  She said the bus was a bit early picking her up from her stop but the driver was going to a totally different location altogether!! 
So it was safe to say that the bus was not going to come to our stop any time soon.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, my friend looked up the bus schedule for the regular local city buses and discovered that one was coming in about twenty minutes.  We busted our butts up a hill and ran across a road and found a bus stop quickly.  Of course it was the wrong one.
While my friend was looking at her phone, I saw a bus driving by on the highway and it was a bus that would take us downtown!

"Let's go! There's the bus!" I shouted and off we ran - really.
I stretched my neck out like a nosy ostrich and saw there was a dotted line near the side of the highway, which means bus stop!
"There's a dotted line - there's a bus stop on this highway...loads of people getting on - let's go!" I yell.

Then I lost my footing and fell forward with a baby strapped to me.
I was carrying M-Girl as I wasn't sure if the trunk of the car we were being driven in had a big enough trunk for a pram.
I took most of the impact on my right knee and hand but still M-Girl bopped her head off the pavement and I was debating on rolling with her to prevent her from bopping her head off the ground - but then we'd either roll into traffic on a highway or into a steep ditch.
Poor gal has a bit of a scrape on her head - small one! and the little Warrior Princess cried for a minute then was back to her smiley sucking 2 fingers drooly self.

I rushed back up and started running again and my friend was boarding the bus and I couldn't figure out why everything looked so fuzzy...
F*ck - my glasses flew off my face.
So I turn back - squinting in the brightness and hoping my glasses weren't in the highway and they weren't...just on the edge and the traffic had suddenly came to a tortoise pace...I mean, not to toot my own horn but they were probably staring at the freak who just fell over, squished her kid, caked in sweat and blood and wondering why in the world she's running back to her falling spot...
I slap those glasses onto my face and run back and am praying to the "functioning legs gods" that I do not fall back down again.
I didn't - and we caught the bus.

I was bleeding everywhere (not gushing), hand caked in dirt and blood and on the brink of tears not just because it hurt a tonne (because it totally did) but because my poor gal got a ding on her head.
We went to the pharmacy once we got downtown (no wait, we had pizza - I swear this story has a happier ending!) and the pharmacist was a gem.

She asked if she could help us and when she saw my hand, she went to get a bottle of disinfectant and sprayed my hand for me and we picked out some band-aids (they had some anti-septic silver I guess) and it was just really lovely and caring service.
Instead of getting me to buy a bottle of disinfectant (which I have at least two at home) - she used a staff one for me.

On a train ride to another district (no, not District 12) - we saw a cute Jack Russel Terrier and his owners steal toilet paper from the train bathroom.
Not that I approve of stealing but it did make our adventure lighter after falling!
I asked my friend if it was super amazing, quilted with silk threads for it to be stuffed into a messenger bag before hopping off at the next stop  and she confirmed that it was universal public toilet paper standard: "Crinkle it and you can scrape a pot full of stains -it's that tough" kind of toilet paper.
Well, I guess they must have really needed it - and I don't mean that in a rude or sarcastic way at all.

Less than 12 hours later and my phone slips out of my hand and hits the door frame and cracks the screen.  The problem with these touch screen phones is that the screen is everything.  It is the heart and brain of the whole freaking phone and with a cracked screen - you can't do much.
I can't answer texts or answer my phone, I can't get to the main menu - I can't blog or capture photos for Instagram or of the kids doing cute things.

I bought a charger for a spare phone we have, a Samsung Galaxy Gio, and it came with a 2GB sd memory card and it needs a much bigger one.
I could get the screen replaced at a shop downtown but it'll cost me nearly 80€...but I'm thinking a bigger memory card won't cost that much.
Although I found out that the Galaxy Gio won't let me blog for some reason!  Good grief. 
I am debating on calling my insurance company - but they're a crap-ass company in my we'll see.
Surely if we pay over 200€ a year for basic home insurance and accidental insurance - they'd be willing to cover a 79€ bill?...

Well, it's now 24 hours later and I'm happy to say that I'm alive.  That highway story could have turned out to be a lot worse - especially while carrying an under 1-year old baby...but all's well that ends well.

PS For the record, I have had worse falls about 5.5 years ago...and shockingly I didn't swear (I have a massive potty mouth) and I didn't shed a single tear (unlike 5.5 years ago!)- not even when the pharmacist sprayed my hand A LOT...I just started humming "OHMMMM!" quite loudly.
It's the little things that count.

Saturday 26 July 2014

My New Toy: The Juice Extractor

I think the name of my juicing machine sounds like it should be voiced by Samuel L. Jackson. It sounds like it'll crush your fruit to bits and pieces and you're going to be left with is a good cup of fresh juice.

I've been wanting a juicing machine for years! Ever since my bff back home got hers and tossed in some apples and made me the most lovely cup of apple juice. It doesn't even taste like the stuff from the grocery store!
I had recently contemplated juicing as a diet but I love food too much to simply fast on juice!
That and a nursing student friend advised against it as I'm still breastfeeding.

So I had been keeping an eye out for a machine second hand and low and behold, there was the OBH Nordica Juice Extractor (Swedish link) with all the pieces available in my favourite thrift store.
I warned SH that I saw one and he didn't write back. So I left it in the stall, walked around the shop and an hour later, still no response.
So I did what I felt was necessary. I looked online to compare prices and saw that it was being sold in front of me for 25€. That was 1/4 of the regular asking price based on a review site I was on.
Still no response from SH so I collected the table earnings from when I rented a table recently and bought it.

SH wasn't too happy when I got home with it, but I didn't care.
He cannot digest fruit and veggies so the only alternative is to juice the fruit at least and get him to drink that.  That and the kids love juice but sometimes hate eating fruit - so again, best way to get their vitamins in them easily and willingly is to give it via juice.

I've been keeping it safe using fruits that he likes but eventually I'll start adding some green veggies and see the reaction from everyone then! :)

Thursday 24 July 2014


Yes I knit and crochet and I love knitting/crocheting so much that I rarely get anything more than a hat finished - ever.
I love buying yarn for "I'll make that later" projects and I have loads of patterns in my library on Ravelry...but I rarely finish things!

Well, I saw this pattern  (sensitive material) being made at one of my knitting groups I participate in and they're socks with penises on them.
Yeah - I thought about them for a full 24 hours and decided I must make a pair for myself.

 First of all - I'm an English-style knitter!  Which means I carry my yarn in my right hand but as you can see - the yarn is in my left and you can thank my friend for trying to convert me and I think she may have successfully done so!
Continental (above) with the yarn in the left hand IS faster and less work for your right hand to do and no need to push the stitches off with your finger and end up poking your fingers with the needle tips!

Then the colour work... (right photo above)
It's EASY! I never thought I could do it as so much twisting was required (so I thought) and again, Dr. Yarn (as we call her jokingly) taught me another trick that no longer involves twisting balls of yarn and being on the verge of tears as they tangle three stitches later...
And yeah, those are my hands knitting 2 colours (alternating) at the same time with one colour on one side and the other colour on the other hand...does that make me an English-Continental knitter? Or a Continental-English knitter??

So I'm excited - I learned a lot today and will finish these socks!!
I typically don't even knit things that come in two because they never end up identical in sizing or shape! But I figure if there's a chart and colour work involved - then perhaps I stand a chance.


PS Yes, it's also possible that I blog without mentioning family, Autism or food! Huzzah!

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Overnight Care

I live around the world from family and friends that I grew up with.
Finland vs Canada...not exactly a hop and skip away!
To have a baby in another country was never a problem for me, although I did miss the possibilities of play-dates with friends and their babies.
What I didn't realize was how much harder it would be before and after V-Man got diagnosed with autism.
He was diagnosed at the age of 2 as "showing strong signs of autism" and as of a month ago, (he's almost 5) officially diagnosed with autism and mental retardation.
Well, that sucks is what you're probably thinking-and yeah it does suck a whole bunch that he's non-verbal autistic.
But at the same time -it could be worse.

Anyways, once V-Man turned 3, and was still showing those strong signs of autism, we were given the chance to have a break.
Once a month for three days and nights, he goes to overnight care. It's run by the city and has 24/7 supervision and although one could call it a facility, it's much more comfortable than what you might think!
The one V-Man goes to is more like a 4-bedroom apartment and each child has their own room and small bathroom.
It's not just for autistic children but for all disabilities.
They take him for walks, swimming and to McDonalds as a treat...they have routines and I think that helps a lot!!
It's hard to nail down routines in the summer because something always comes up!!

At first, we felt like crap "dumping our kid" with some strangers that will have to guess what he wants and deal with the screaming and waking up in the middle of the night.
But then we realized that we live in Europe -not exactly a short drive to grandparents homes and most of our friends don't have experience handling a strong boy like V-Man. The staff are all trained to handle kids of various disabilities and have the patience I wish I had.
And after a couple months, he loves it!! He doesn't even stop to look in our direction when we say goodbye and that's an excellent sign!
We have even started going on dates or taking turns to see a movie, so the other parent watches M-Girl and A-Man.
The guilt has melted away especially when ONC started calling us and offering us extra times whenever there's a cancellation! They absolutely adore him and while it may not be the same as grandparents -they've helped us so much that we consider them family.

We do pay for this special service and it's about 8€/day.
Also, and most importantly, it gives us time to bond with the other two. A-Man is still in that Terrible 2 phase and is a bit of a bully with V-Man, so it gives them a break from each other.
Quite often we can forget little ones need breaks too - just like parents!

PS -if this sounds like familiar reading, there's a reason for that!  I used to have a blog called "Learning About Finland" which was hacked and deleted on July 2nd, 2014.
But now I'm back.

Monday 21 July 2014

Common Worries For a Parent With an Autistic Child

I am not a huge fan of Jenny McCarthy but I did read this online and felt a sense of worry.
Bullies are mean and often bully for their own entertainment - not worrying that their words or sticks and stones can do more than hurt feeling.

I grew up being bullied for being smart and for my cultural background and being a minority in my neighbourhood - it was tough!
But I knew I was being bullied and I could do something about it - report it to a teacher or my parents if it was bad enough, ignore or come up with a clever comeback if I was lucky.

Now, Evan - JM's son can speak it seems and I can only hope I'm as lucky that it'll happen some day.
If not - then what??

Here's some common worries I have:
  • Bullying of any kind.  As it stands now, I know people stare at him when he has his anxiety attacks or melt-downs.  He's loud and can express his anger by pushing and pinching us or trying to hurt himself - it really can be stare-at-them-worthy!
  • Getting seriously hurt - and not being able to properly call or ask for help.  
  • Hurting someone else - whether it's family, friends, a stranger or a therapist/worker...he's just getting stronger by the day!
  • Puberty - enough said.
  • Not being able to tell people he has autism - I've contemplated getting some sort of bracelet engraved that he has autism but figured he probably wouldn't keep it on.  Or at least some sort of engraved zipper tag to attach to the front of his jackets - then people can understand why he doesn't speak and behaves the way he does.
    • Partially why we could never live and work in the USA - I read so many stories about disabled children and teenagers that end up getting killed because their diagnosis wasn't recognized or acknowledged prior to a trigger being pulled.
  • Not getting a job - I don't care what his job would be because a job is a job and for a non-verbal disabled adult - you cannot be particular.  Plus if it's a job that's possible and do-able for him, then it's obviously a job that needs to get done.
  • Not getting into a relationship - I worry he'll be alone when he's older.  Or that someone will take advantage of my poor boy and only marry for disability benefits or something crazy like that.
  • Not having friends - I'm one of those parents that looked forward to having little playdates, sleepovers and having the BFF over all the time. Call me weird I guess!! V-Man's BFF is from Brazil and is a 30-something year old man. He was our babysitter when we went to the hospital to have A-Man and keep in touch regularly still.
  • Being alone - I worry about this all the time.  That something could happen to SH and/or I and he's left alone.  Nobody to care for him or make him giggle, nobody to take him to new places or watch Shrek with him non-stop.
    • With that said, I also worry that my younger children will grow up faster and become "the older siblings" because V-Man is at a much younger developmental age.  I can only hope that they'll be kind enough to take care of him when we're old and gone and truly help care for him.
I started Game of Thrones season 3 - so I apologize some of this may be repeated or seem scatterbrained!
And one of the kids just woke up - gotta jet!

Sunday 20 July 2014

"Holy Crap He Ate It!" Fried Chicken Recipe

Since buying a small deep-fryer from a local second-hand shop - I've made mini eggrolls and wonton chips, tried ginger beef but the beef strips got stuck to the metal basket...and today decided to make crispy fried chicken!
I ended up not using my mini deep-fryer but a pot filled with a couple inches of oil instead.

I had to do some research online first to see what was typical of fried chicken recipes - as this was my first time!
This is what I discovered:
  • Chicken pieces - sometimes with skin on or off - up to you.
  • Thin them out a bit by trimming fat and hammering or rolling meat cuts (like chicken breasts) as thin as possible to aid in speeding up the cooking time.
  • Coated in flour, eggs then breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes cereal.
  • Marinated in a buttermilk mixture.
  • Fry until golden brown and crispy.
 Alright - sounds simple enough.
I recently bought some panko crumbs and decided I would do a mix up of the above basics.

I had a kilo of chicken breasts - about eight of them - ready to be cooked up.
I don't have a meat mallet - so I slipped a breast between two sheets of parchment paper (I hate plastic wrap THAT much!) and rolled/smashed them as thin as I could with my marble rolling pin.  They weren't super thin like most recipes' photos but anyway.

I then beat 3 eggs (and found this later to be too much!) with black pepper sprinkled in and coated each chicken breast.
I mixed up equal parts (don't ask me how much because I honestly shook the bag and what came out is what I used) bread crumbs and panko into a large flat dish.  I also added my favourite spices and added a generous shake or two of Parmesan cheese!

While coating the chicken in both egg and then crumbs (both sides of course!)  - I heated up oil in the pot on the stove.

Then I cooked a breast at a time - flipping only once. 
After every piece was cooked - I drained them on a paper towel covered plate and served it with herbed rice (just tossed in a herb bouillon blob into the rice cooker while it was going in the microwave...and no it's not an actual cube - it's a jelly blob) and fresh peas.

I sliced a cooked chicken breast up into strips and waited for V-Man to approve.
At first he touched them, fiddled them between his fingers and sniffed it a few times.
Then he pushed it away with 0 interest in actually eating the meat - which reminded me of this morning - where he wanted oatmeal but didn't actually want to eat it.

After I offered a second tomato sliced then he touched the chicken and pressed it to his lips.
THEN he finally ate it - the whole breast.  Perhaps it was too hot still for him to taste...who knows.
I'm one very happy and proud mama.
Had he not eaten it - well, then I would've been proud for him to put it to his lips...then sad as f*ck he didn't eat it.

PS Just finished watching Homeland Season 2- INSANE!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 19 July 2014

Typical Meal Times

Today is Sunday which means shops aren't open until 12pm. This sucks because it just so happens that we're out of bread and V-Man had a freak out because we didn't have a toasted peanut butter sandwich cut in four triangles ready within five minutes of him waking up.
So I thought he could show me what he'd like to eat instead.
(Baking bread in the bread machine is a no go as he doesn't like it!)

He went to the pantry and pulled out a box of jumbo oats repeatedly.
I know he doesn't like oatmeal (porridge), but thought I'd give it to him anyway.
Guess what? He refused it and started to gag and puke once I got a teaspoonful into his mouth.
He screamed and cried and gagged. Then he went back to that pantry and pulled down the same f-ing box of jumbo oats.
So there's only so much you can do...and we were out of bacon (another favorite) I grabbed a rice cake smothered it in peanut butter and gave it to him and he was happy as a pig in sh*t.

This isn't the first time he's done this -cried and screamed for food he won't eat...or I make him bland food like the daycare and he refused to eat that too.
It's annoying and frustrating and pushes my patience over the edge and then some.
I'm not the picture of everlasting patience, I assure you!!
I'm the parent who screeches back in anger and feels like crap because I can't feed my child what he wants because I stupidly forgot a loaf of bread.
Anyways, this is just a typical meal time in the household...and by 12pm, we'll be on our way to get more bread...


Today we went to a birthday party of a little guy who is turning 2. I had it all planned out that I'd crochet him a tool kit because they're renovating their it'd be perfect!
I got as far as the hammer.
The pattern is easy and from the book, "Amigurumi Too" by Ana Paula Rimoli, whom I absolutely love! Her patterns are easy to follow and are super dee duper cute.
Well, I finished all of the pieces but couldn't find my sewing needles to attach the bits to the hammer.
Slight freak out this afternoon but we went to a yarn store and I got the last package of darning needles!
SH didn't think I would be able to finish in time but I took that as a challenge and while carrying a baby, and while walking (!) I sewed those bits to the hammer and it was ready before we got to the party.
SH had actually suggested that I give the gift another day.

No. That's not acceptable for me...we're going to a birthday party and I'm not going empty handed!!
Sure the kid's only two and probably wouldn't remember if I brought a gift or not - but I would, and I would feel rotten!!

Anyway, I did it and yes I am proud of myself. No, I didn't cause any car accidents doing this and the gift was ready on time which made me super happy.

So -bubbles. That was the theme of the party and the weather was fantastic for blowing and creating bubbles outside!
Loads of sunshine and warmth.
Some really creative ideas instead of bottles of bubbles with wands built in.
  • A bubble factory: in a yogurt tub, put two holes in the lid, opposite of each other. Bubble mixture inside and insert a straw into one hole and blow until bubbles come out of the other hole.
  • Bubble snake: take a small plastic bottle and cut off part of the bottom. Cover that with an old dish rag and secure with an elastic. Dip towel end into soap mix really well then blow!
  • Two plastic straws that bent a bit with thread looped through them created a bubble frame.
  • Coat hangers made fantastic big bubbles too!
  • A kiddie pool filled with bubble mixture, a seat in the middle and a hula hoop allowed guests to sit in the center while creating a tall bubble encasing the guest was also super fun!!
It was a really great party and everyone had loads of fun!
Toss in a BBQ and some light finger foods and everyone had a blast and a full tummy.

The only issue you have to be careful about is kids rubbing their eyes. A-Man did this several times and it burned quite a bit and he didn't quite get the idea of NOT rubbing his eyes to prevent the burning sensation from continuing.

Ah well - he'll learn some day!!

Fried Eggplant

Last night for supper I made pizza and since SH is more of a meat-lovers pizza guy - I thought I'd try something different!
I make my pizza dough in a bread machine and then separate the dough into two or three chunks.
My pizza had: baby spinach, thinly sliced eggplant drizzled in sesame oil and a couple strips of prosciutto ripped into bits.
I meant to add feta but wasn't sure if it would taste alright with sesame oil.
The pizza was awesome and I had left over eggplant. So I beat two eggs and in a separate shallow bowl mixed panko with spices and breadcrumbs.
My photos of what they look like fried are on my Instagram account. :)

Anyways, I started to fry them in a bit of sesame oil but it wasn't getting as crispy as I'd like - so I added olive oil - about an inch of it in the pan and then they started to crisp and cook very nicely!

I had them for breakfast and they were so yummy...and then I dipped them in honey mustard salad dressing and it was alright...either way - I'm in trouble - they're so delightful!
I can see myself doing this with zucchini too!

Alright, I'm in a rush - V-Man just had a dump and is poking his mouth full of water and we're going to a birthday party that's being held outdoors.
Which means he'll probably run off a lot...but at least the weather's sizzling out - so it should be fun anyway...RIGHT?!


Thursday 17 July 2014

The Harness Leash Thing

Sorry I didn't write last night!! We're really into Homeland season 2 currently and I'm also working on a birthday present for a party we're going to in a couple days.
So I'll just get to the point of this post.

We are one of those parents that used to judge and think nasty things about other parents who walked with their kids using a harness/leash/tether.
Until we had V-Man and couldn't walk with him anywhere. Up until recently, we couldn't take him hiking or swimming in a lake or anywhere outdoors because he's a runner.
He's super fast and I've seriously contemplated reaching out to Usain Bolt about having V-Man be his training partner.
Because he doesn't have the concept of fear or danger, he could run into traffic and not realize it's a bad idea until he got hit.
So the only way he got to go outside, was via stroller or carrier.
The Deuter Kids Comfort III is excellent for hiking and carrying a child securely and all that. But when it weighs quite a bit and your child weighs even more...hiking becomes a painful experience. And who wants that?!

A friend once gifted me with a cute Winnie the Pooh backpack on a leash when I was pregnant and when I showed SH, we both decided that it won't be necessary and it would feel too much like walking a dog.
A few weeks ago, I went to one of the big grocery stores and took a look in the child care section and saw cute little backpacks and a basic vest with a leash attached.
The cute backpacks looked easy to get out of but the vest didn't.
That night we went hiking as a family for the first time and as long as he had a stick, we could go forward. Of course he hated putting it on but after a few days, he was excited to see it.

Today he brought it to us and got excited when we took that as "we should go somewhere!!"
So we hopped on the bus and went to buy some seeds, as I'd like to try some hydroponics (more about this later) and after that, I took him to a local fenced in playground to let him run and we had a smooth and calm evening.

I'm trying to work on his social skills in public with V-Man - because he doesn't speak doesn't mean I can't try to teach him patience and how to go around town without barreling people down or how to sit on the bus nicely.
This and his legs are getting too long for his he needs to walk!

I know we attract a lot of weird looks when going around with him in a harness. At first, I was so deeply embarrassed!
But when push comes to shove -if he runs -those that stare won't know he has autism and they won't catch him in time. Thankfully he has bolted a few times so people can see why he wears one - because he needs it!!
Now I don't care what others think and it's a wonderful relief of extra stress!!!
Have a good one!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Hey Nuggets...Goodbye Fries

So ever since V-Man was little, he loved fries. Those greasy salty yellow sticks of potato (NOT wedges) were his best friends. Always tasting the same and reliable in texture.
The ultimate favorite food and thanks to the likes of McDonalds, available pretty much everywhere in the world. Which is so handy when you're traveling!
But a couple weeks ago, it stopped. He refused fries and we honestly thought he was ill.
He refused his hamburger and decided to steal my nuggets and since then, has rejected fries everytime we went out.

I'm going to try to make my own nuggets, now that I've discovered panko (Japanese-style bread crumbs) and own a small deep fryer.
I tried oven baked before but he wasn't a huge fan...but considering he just ate two whole tomatoes in less than five minutes...a new food!...he'd probably eat baked chicken nuggets.
Which would make me feel healthier and happier!!

Today I caved and took him to eat nuggets and apple juice and because nuggets are cooked when ordered...we had to wait.
A whole 5 minutes wait is torture for V-Man.
He was onto melt down number two of the day and I was getting impatient.
He screeched as if he was getting his teeth pulled without anesthesia...and because autism isn't necessarily something physically obvious - people stare. And they give dirty looks at me, as if to say with their beady little eyes, "Your child is out of control. Why won't he listen to you? Clearly your parenting skills are lacking."
Two tweens (is that what a child is called these days? Between about 9-12 years old) were staring and whispering behind their hands while staring at my 4-year old spread "Autism awareness" and at first, I just focused on him and trying to keep him calm.
When that clearly wasn't working - I gave them my, "You should turn your arses around and start walking" face.  With a hint of, "Quit your whispers - it's pretty damn obvious" lifted eyebrow.
They stopped whispering and suddenly became quite interested in the television nearby.

I don't think I'm as bold as to go up to someone and tell them to go beep themselves...but anyway.

In more positive news today - V-Man ate a good sized portion of spaghetti by himself and with a fork!!
It's the little things - right? :)

PS Totally not related - but currently watching Homeland, season 2...sooooooo good!

Monday 14 July 2014

Wonton Chips/Mini Egg-Rolls

Yesterday I had bought some ground pork and thawed some wonton skins and I wasn't sure how many I had (less than a full package) and since I recently bought a small deep fryer, thought I'd try some wonton chips.

If you haven't made wonton chips before - I swear it's easy.
I learned while working at a Chinese take-out restaurant a kajillion years ago how to whip these up and really do love these crispy, greasy treats....
And no, this is not "real Chinese food".

What you need:
  • 1 package of wonton skins thawed (purchase from your local Asian grocery store)- usually has 50 sheets
  • 1 egg mixed with a bit of water
  • 400 grams of ground pork (or turkey, chicken, beef)
  • Spices of your choice
    • I used:
      • Chinese 5 spice
      • Pepper mix
      • Black pepper
I would've used more spices but was worried they were going to explode and I'd waste spice...that did NOT happen - but next time I know to add more and maybe some fresh chopped green onion and/or ginger! (Since the deep-frying kills a lot of the spice.)

Lying a square flat, put a bit of meat near one corner and rub some egg mixture (it's the glue) around the nearest corner.  Take that corner and fold it diagonally downard and press down until the meat is sealed in and if you need to, add a bit more "glue" to seal the edge shut.  You don't want it soggy.

Continue to do this if you want wonton chips - deep-fry them at about 190*C (375*C) until golden brown and perhaps flip them so they're evenly cooked on both sides.

If you want egg rolls - rub egg glue along on edge (wrapper is a square usually - so even sides!  If using rectangle shaped ones - rub glue along longest side) and make a small log of meat mixture along opposite edge.
Roll closed, ensuring the glue side seals and encases the meat.
Rub a bit of egg glue inside both ends and press flat.
Deep-fry until golden brown.

Serve warm with: plum sauce, sweet & sour sauce - any sauce you prefer.
I'll write up a post later with a recipe for sweet and sour sauce...

I soak up extra grease by laying cooked food onto a paper-towel covered plate.

You can fold wontons into a variety of shapes - so it really depends on your preference.

Wonton chip on top
Mini eggroll on bottom

Oh, remember that scale I was talking about in yesterday's post?  I picked it up today and my initial guess of my current weight was about 67 kg (147lbs) but I surprised myself when I saw 64.2 kg (141 lbs).
I'm only weighing myself once a week and definitely not going to be making egg rolls or wonton chips very often!!
Before eating that greasy dinner...and in the evening - I know.  I'm a bad ass weighing myself before first thing in the morning!

Have a good night!

Sunday 13 July 2014

The Latest Fad: Oil Pulling

There are a load of other blogs and articles discussing this "oil pulling" trend, so I'll keep it short.
I read on Facebook somewhere that oil pulling (the swishing of a nice oil in your mouth - like coconut oil, for upwards of 20 minutes) can help with whitening teeth and getting rid of nasty toxins in your body.
I'm a bit behind with trends but thought I'd try it anyway.
I have a jar of soft coconut oil that wasn't being used, and began to swish while reading more about it.
My jaws started hurting so I relaxed and tried to not swish so much or so hard. 
I managed to get about 5 minutes going of good swishing and was reading more about it - different people's experiences and so on.  Then A-Man noticed I was making noises with my mouth without opening it and that sparked his curiosity even further.  He decided to try and poke his fingers into my mouth and make me laugh.

I'll have to try it again, but I did like the feeling after, despite only going for 5-minutes!  My teeth felt quite smooth after and nice.  Much easier than Listerine!
I read that it thickens and doubles in size when you go into the 20-minutes swishing phase - not sure how much I'll enjoy that part - but I'm willing to give it a try! :)

Honey & Oats Banana Bread!

Doesn't this look yummy?  Well, it's really easy to make!
I know a lot of my friends who have never tried banana bread thought it was a type of bread made with bananas (true) that you eat with a sandwich - like ham and cheese - and were quite disgusted I would suggest such a thing.  And I can't blame them.
But banana bread is more like a sweet bread or a cake if you really need a comparison.

I've made it sugar-free and gluten-free before - so it's possible for everyone to enjoy it!  Very handy at potlucks, minimal effort in the baking area and tastes delicious warm slathered in butter and with a nice cup of hot tea or milk!

There are a billion recipes for banana bread out there and I just found a basic recipe online and fiddled with it to make this one I'm sharing here.
And who doesn't have bananas lounging on the counter forgotten?  Their peels turning browner by the day....time to get 'em in this bread!

What you need:
  • Glass loaf baking dish
  • 3-4 ripe bananas mashed up (the browner the peel - the sweeter they taste and the better!)
  • 1/3 Cup of melted butter (plus a bit to butter the pan with so the loaf doesn't stick)
  • 1/4 Cup of brown sugar (or use a huge, long squirt of honey...)
    • or do both! 
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Cup of flour
  • 1 Cup of oats
  • 1 tsp. of baking powder
  • *Optional - add nuts, raisins, chunks of chocolate - make it your own! :)
  • 1 good shake of cinnamon and nutmeg if you like that too...
Pre-heat your oven to 175*C (350*F) and butter your glass loaf dish.
Add butter, honey and sugar and egg to your mashed bananas.  Mix well.
Stir in oats and flour and baking powder and spices if you're using them - mix really well.  It'll look wet and runny - that's normal.
Pour it into the pan and bake for 50-55 minutes.  Top should be golden brown and if you insert a tooth pick in the center, it should come out clean.

Allow to cool before removing from dish and enjoy.
You can slice this and freeze them or microwave with butter on top too.
Great for breakfast, snack or any time - really.


Weigh It!

So I had this huge idea in my mind yesterday that I would start to juice here and there. Start slow and move up.
I've been feeling like a gross pig lately. I haven't worn jeans in ages because they don't fit. So I wear my stretchy short pants...the kind meant for working out...or for lounging...or the kind you wear when you plan to eat a lot. (Told you I love food!!)
I started off awesome this morning and had a banana and drank fruit infused water.
(I bought a bottle where I can stuff it with fresh fruits! Yum!)
I strapped M-Girl to my chest, grabbed V-Man and his stroller and decided a walk was in order. I did about forty minutes of walking before his meltdowns and screaming drove me over the edge.
After a visit with a friend, we took the kids to Burger King and I had a Whopper meal and I felt awful after!!
As of late, my stomach's hating grease and I need to cut back.
Not only is it putting a dent into our bank account with eating out so much but also putting a dent in my plans to lose the baby weight too!

I don't have a juicer machine and I don't have the space for one right now. So I did some more reading about upset stomach, lethargic feelings and regular headaches.

Obviously step 1 is to get with the program and cleanse my body of crap.
Something I've heard of but have yet to try is "oil pulling". You rinse your mouth with some nice oil (ie coconut) and swish it about for quite some time and it'll help whiten your teeth and collect the nasty toxins and bacteria that's partying in your mouth.
You're supposed to do this first thing in the morning before eating but I forgot to today, so hopefully the oil pulling Gods forgive me for trying it out tonight instead.
(Isn't 20-30 minutes a bit excessive?! I'll have to look into this some more...)

Anyways, the juicing wasn't so much about weight loss as it was about body cleansing and getting healthier and more energetic.
But by the end of today, I felt like a blob.
Everybody has one of those days, I know. But mine are happening a bit too frequently lately!
And with winter coming up...I'll have to fit into something warmer than stretchy shorts!
So beginning tomorrow, good-bye pop/soda/sugary drinks...good bye greasy stuff...good bye junk.
Ideally, I'd love to lose a good twenty pounds. I haven't weighed myself in awhile...but that'll change soon.
I'm buying a scale from a friend and plan to use it weekly.
I don't want to obsess over weight every single day and I know that owning a scale can easily do that to some people!

I'm also thinking of taking of evening jogs...and I'm not much of a I'll have to rely on my dogs to get me out and about.

But one step at a time -so they say!!

PS: I'll even put a label, "My Weight Loss Journal" on related posts and whenever I do something mega healthy (or not), you will be able to find it easier on the side bar!! (and so will I!)

Saturday 12 July 2014


This morning I was woken up at 5:30am. On a Saturday.
M-Girl is the type of baby that doesn't always cry when she wakes up. She just observes her surroundings, kick and try to get my attention without screeching the roof off.
So why did I get woken up at 5:30am???
Because she felt it was necessary to pull my bra strap back and then let go a few times.
I woke up pretty shocked and my shoulder blades stinging...then as I rolled over to face her so I could nurse her, I got a finger in my eye. Twice.
How is this all possible??
Well, we co-sleep with (some of) the kids.

My parents were firm believers that babies should sleep in their cribs from day one. So, with V-Man, we tried it. He did sleep in a crib but if he woke up for a feeding, I was too tired to put him back in the crib.
Then one day I tried to put him back and he started to slip out of my arms!! I freaked and decided he will sleep in our bed and I'll deal with the consequences later.
When he was almost 2, a friend gave us a little kid bed, since the crib was useless because of his excellent climbing and escaping skills.
He did great at nap times but insisted on being with us even part of the night.
When we moved to our current place, SH was sleeping with V-Man because A-Man was in our bed and the dogs often slept with me too.
Finally, during Christmas break last year, we decided that V-Man will sleep completely alone and we'll try to put A-Man in the same room.
The first part worked but A-Man kept waking him up.
Now that M-Girl is here, he's glued to her hip and because his bed is a bunk bed style, I can't let them sleep in it together currently.

I realize that co-sleeping isn't for everyone and it can be tricky to kick the kids out of your bed later on. For us, it's working in the sense that I get the sleep I need and M-Girl gets her milk at night, with minimum movement or effort.
However, if I continue to get poked in the eyes, or worse, I may need to invest into some kind of helmet just to survive waking up!

"Try" - Colbie Caillat

I'm so far behind on music videos and the latest singers.  I get most of my celebrity gossip from People (yes one of my many guilty pleasures)... I just skim through and ooh and ahh during awards seasons at all the dresses and so on.
Anyway, one thing that caught my eye was this video, "Try" by Colbie Caillat.


It's a fantastic message for women and girls of all ages all over that you don't have to be someone you're not.

As a mother of three children - I suppose until I had M-Girl - I thought these inspirational videos were great but it didn't "really hit home" until she was born.
This other one is fairly recent and of course has gone viral...about what it means to be "like a girl" (made by Always).

That's not to say that as a mom of 2 boys first, I didn't think of being on the opposite end of the powerful messages for women.
Just because you have a son(s) does not mean you cannot teach them to be a gentleman.  How to understand that "no" means no and that they should be brave enough to step in and help someone in need.

But now, that we do have a little girl in the family - it's hard to NOT think about her going through the same pressures of media and society that many girls/young ladies go through in their lifetime.

Anyway, I just thought the video and lyrics were lovely and had to share it.

Friday 11 July 2014

Mini Cheesecakes!!

I went to a BBQ today with some friends and offered to bring dessert and when I found out there would be about twenty people going - I decided cookies was too much work but Mini Cheesecakes usually tickle everyone's fancy.

I used to just post photos of food and not really share recipes but I figure, why not??  
Currently watching "R.I.P.D."'s interesting and I can barely move from over-eating at this fantastic party...I'm sure I resemble something like Jabba the Hut's really.
Anyways...ONTO THE FOOD PART!!!!!!!

This is the basic recipe from Kraft.

But I've made these a kajillion times with a wide variety of flavours and I'm going to share the two I made today!

The top photo is a new recipe that I tried today.

PB&J Mini Cheesecakes (made 18)
I used (and I apologize now that my measurements are NEVER exact so just go with the flow!):
  • 2 small packages of Light Kraft cream cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • Fresh halved strawberries
  • Half a coffee cup (.4dl is the standard cup size) of sugar 
  • Cookies for a base - Oreos, vanilla-cream - whatever you have that's the closest is ideal.
  • A whopping tablespoon of peanut butter (I don't mean the tablespoon measurement spoon - I mean a regular huge tablespoon in your utensils drawer and digging into the jar of PB and scooping it out and chucking it in there...)
    • Put the strawberry half on the cookie of choice (vanilla cream cookies are nice too) and then cover with peanut butter cheesecake mix. Bake according to the recipe link above.
I was really excited about this because I love PB&J sandwiches and I always wanted to create something sweet but salty at the same time and in a mini cheesecake!
I have also made a Rocky Road version but don't have a photo of one currently.

Peanut-Butter and Jam
 This is the Chocolate & Cherry (made 13) version - same thing but I used chocolate cream cheese (2 packages) and added a candied cherry on top before baking them in the oven.  Super easy and you can use different coloured cherries for holidays too! :)
Enjoy and if you loved these - please share this with your friends and folks!!

PS Other flavours I've made using the basic recipe?
  • Blueberries
  • Chocolate and vanilla swirl
  • Lemon with chocolate drizzle
  • Rocky Road (candied cherry, chocolate, marshmallows and peanuts)
  • Mixed berries
  • Mint & Chocolate chip
  • Loads others - it's been awhile or making them! :)

Thursday 10 July 2014

Our Friend Autism

I'm currently watching GI Joe 2: Retaliation and thought I would blog at the same time.
So - Autism...what a guy.
Not a medical professional - just a parent sharing our experiences!
Did you know that autism affects boys more than girls?  That's not to say you can't have an autistic female - no way.  But the rates are much higher for 4:1.
And we're a family that has one of those boys...the numbers are increasing all over the world everyday - both males and females of course - and let me tell ya...

We have a child that wasn't diagnosed until he was 2 (which is pretty young and earlier is better!) and we tried every single thing possible to figure out why he wouldn't listen.  Why he constantly freaked out whenever we met friends (both regular visitors and non) and why traveling was so difficult...why V-Man only ate bananas in big chunks, crackers, yoghurt and French other fruit and no vegetables and barely any meat.

Signs we thought he might be autistic?
  • Restricted and picky diet
  • Flapping hands
  • Not speaking at all
  • Walking on tippy toes
  • Loads of ear infections (to the point he got tubes inserted in his ears this past year - totally made a difference!!)
  • Constantly jumping and bouncing about 
  • Not listening
  • Feeling very little pain - no matter how badly he hurt himself!!
  • Lack of eye contact
  • No awareness of danger (running into the streets and refusing to hold our hands)
  • He constantly ran away - so we constantly had to find playgrounds that were completely fenced in.
  • Could watch the same movies over and over again... I mean we're on our second copy of "Cars", second copies of "Madagascar 1&2" and "Shrek 1-3")
    • Introducing a new movie was (and still is) quite difficult!
  • Wouldn't play with toys, read books or imitate...imagine - none of it. 
  • Not potty-trained and won't try it.  I started with him at age 5 months and by 9 months, thanks to an infection on his tush - refused to sit on the potty since.
When we brought this up during his 2-year old check-up, they agreed with us and we immediately began speech therapy - the practicing of PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), had some assessments with psychologists, occupational therapists and other hospital staff.

Now that he's nearing 5, has there been much change?
Within the last two years, he's changed day-cares once.  The first day-care he went to, he had an assistant and it was a "regular" day-care.  He liked it there quite a bit but they weren't entirely equipped to handle a child with special needs and I do thank them for trying!!!
He was able to transfer to a specialized day-care, has a different assistant and they have worked miracles with him.

V-Man now eats or at least tries new foods and if he likes it a lot - your plate will be empty before you know it.
He's beginning to socialize a bit more with A-Man - tonight they were running around back and forth chasing each other.
Super Hubby put M-Girl near him and instead of pushing her away, he decided to push SH away because he understood and realized that she's only able to touch him and pat him if someone else is holding her.
He can request things with photos and has created a bond with his speech therapist and occupational therapists - and of course, his assistant.

And while I constantly hear and read about all these fantastic people with Autism do some pretty superb things - I am fully aware that my V-Man may never do those things.  It took me awhile and I stressed a lot about it, I assure you!
Things like:
  • Tie his shoes
  • Go to college or university
  • Have a relationship
    • Have children or even a dog I can call a grandchild/pup! (Cats are fine too of course.)
  • Have a career or job
  • Drive a car
  • Ride a bike
  • Get a hair cut at the barber's (I currently am the Queen of the clippers...just a buzz cut before it gets too long)
  • Stick up for himself when bullying becomes an issue
  • Cook or even prepare the simplest of meals (aka peel a banana or spread butter on toast)
  • Live on his own
  • Speak
    • Say "I love you!"
    • Ask "Why?" a million times over
Thankfully, we currently are getting loads of help - which I'll blog about at a later time - but these are still little things that when I'm really tired and grumpy - I mull it over and get all mopey about.
Especially since we got the lovely diagnosis recently of "mental retardation" - which I don't take as offensive, although many of my friends did at first.  But it's a scientific medical term and it's one I've come to accept.  We have a meeting in about a month and I plan to inquire about his development and what are his chances of being able to achieve any of those things above.
It doesn't mean we'll love or care any more or less - it's just a way of being prepared.

So to our Friend - Autism - quite often I stick both middle fingers up at you and think that there can't possibly be anything worse - but I think of other families who lose little ones and I shut my trap.
And who knows, perhaps his talents of ripping and destroying everything will come in handy at a job interview some day. :)

Well, I suppose it's time for me to get on with my day - I really need to finish up a crocheted sun hat...and from there crash for the night! :)
Thanks for reading,

PS: One of my favourite blogs currently that I follow on Facebook, is Autism Daddy.  While our sons differ in age and family situations do too - I applaud his hard work as a parent, husband and a blogger and strongly recommend taking a peek at his blog.

Go the F to sleep -the best book ever

It's past the kids bed time and 2/3 are still awake.
Dinner's in the oven for Super Hubby and I...turkey breast in case you're wondering...and I'm lying here waiting for my lovely little party animals to go to sleep.
Have you heard of the book, "Go the F*ck to Sleep"? I strongly recommend getting it for nights like these...where the little munchkins will not sleep and do everything in their powers to ensure the siblings don't either. If you look up the book title on YouTube, there's a fantastic reading by Samuel L. Jackson. A fantastic voice and actor...he can totally relate to us parents fighting, begging and praying for our kids to sleep so we can have a bit of peace and quiet or free time to do things without sticky fingers covered in who knows what.
I had first heard about this book on Perez Hilton's website and after sharing it with SH and hearing Samuel L. Jackson's voice..we decided to buy a copy.
I thought it would be a great story read out loud to the kids and sometimes I do just that. I change the curse words out loud...but in my mind...I'm screaming them on top of my lungs.
I have a few friends having babies soon and you know what? I may just order them a copy for a parent gift. Ha.

And of course, now that I'm finished blogging all of this...they're finally asleep. (NOT complaining...guess this is how I'll get most of my blogging done!)
Time for dinner...wahoo!!

Passport Photos...

Passport photos are a breeze for older children and adults for the most part. Little kids? Not so much.
This morning I asked A-Man if he wanted to go for a ride on the bus to get his photos taken. Usually if I say the word, "bus" - he's off like a rocket getting ready. This morning was a flat out "no". That should've been sign number one.
I dragged him out and when it was time to settle him on the stool for a photo, the protesting began.
He didn't want to remove his hat or coat (which was caked in dried snot or drool), he didn't want to hold his favourite toy bus we brought...and of course didn't want to sit down.
So we left, got some snacks and went back. He saw someone else get their photo done and he was very calm and took his hat and coat off then sat down on the stool.
Was the second time the potential charm? No.
He opted to pick his nose for a solid three minutes. And because he had been crying -it wasn't a dry was a slimy nose picking session.
But at least he wasn't crying, running away or throwing a fit. After a couple nose wipes - and three clicks of the camera - we finally got a good enough shot to use for his passport.
Then I got held hostage in the local burger joint by him, as he absolutely refused to leave without lunch...

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Stuff About Me

Hi there,
I apologize this is such a naked-looking blog - but I'm working on it whenever I can!
And yes, it's true - when at home, I often blog in my undies.  Especially in the hot summer months! I see no point in wearing clothes in the summer at home, unless we have guests coming...
Why bother sweating through clean clothing when you don't have to?

Things I hope to accomplish in this blog:
  • I love food...other than my family and close friends - it's the next love.  Of course, I couldn't make nearly as many yummy meals if it weren't for so many cook books, the internet and my absolute favourite tools:
    • Slow cooker
    • Bread Machine
    • Mini deep-fryer (this is the one that'll get me in the most trouble I think!)
    • Hand blender
    • Wok
  • I love taking photos - I don't quite have my head wrapped around the different terminologies - but I'm working on it...
    • I also recently joined Instagram and am a bit addicted.  Mostly flowers, funny things, things that I find in odd locations (typically lost I suppose), my kids (but not their faces - well, the dogs' faces are okay), FOOD (see what I mean?) and other things I find whenever I'm out and about.
  • I enjoy doing crafts - here's where I sound like a Granny in her Undies...
    • Knitting
    • Crocheting
    • Scrapping/card-making (just hauled a bunch of stuff out and sold it off...but maybe when the kids are older!)
    • Sewing..sort of... 
  • Sharing my experiences about living in Finland, travelling (when it's possible), my crazy family and there may be the occasional bitch and rant in there too.
    • This may include interviews with fellow expats and/or locals wherever I may be!
    • Oh and reviews - I love doing reviews!!  I'm not paid or sponsored by any one or organizations - this is just a blog for sh*ts and giggles and anything you read here - is my personal opinion.
Not sure what else to say - well, I suppose I started this blog primarily to release the need to share funny things that happen and see how well it goes.

I'm married and have 3 human children and 2 furry ones (my 4 other furry kids live with my in-laws).
Here's why they're interesting:
  • V-Man is nearing 5 - isn't that terrifying?  He's awesome, even though 80% of the time - he honestly drives us up the f-ing wall.  But it's not his fault - truly.  He's Autistic and he was diagnosed around his 2nd birthday and we're learning to take it a day at a time with him.
    • I have a bag of wine and sneak a glass for the nights that I celebrate I'm still alive and I made it through a heck of a day...
  • A-Man is nearing 3 - it does get better after "the terrible 2's" - RIGHT?!?!?!  He's addicted to cars, headbands, tea parties, sugar (when he's lucky to get some) and his favourite word currently is "bus".
  • M-Girl is a newbie.  She's the Kinder egg of all the pregnancies and is a super chill baby.  Can't complain - she can take the occasional (meant well) rough-handling from her brothers without breaking a sweat.
  • Super-Dad/Hubby - yeah that's my husband.  He manages to work, wrestle with the boys and take out the garbage - all in one day.
So welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy reading it! :)
Time to go try making some chicken "summer rolls" a spring roll but not deep-fried.  So that totally gives me the A-OK to eat at least 5 right?

Tuesday 8 July 2014


Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'll be blogging about everything from living in Finland, food, crafts and occasionally family things too...and as the title suggests - usually while in my undies!
While searching and thinking of a blog name, I'm surprised this was available!!

And since it's true 99.9999999% of the time, why not??
Thanks for reading!!