Thursday, 10 July 2014

Passport Photos...

Passport photos are a breeze for older children and adults for the most part. Little kids? Not so much.
This morning I asked A-Man if he wanted to go for a ride on the bus to get his photos taken. Usually if I say the word, "bus" - he's off like a rocket getting ready. This morning was a flat out "no". That should've been sign number one.
I dragged him out and when it was time to settle him on the stool for a photo, the protesting began.
He didn't want to remove his hat or coat (which was caked in dried snot or drool), he didn't want to hold his favourite toy bus we brought...and of course didn't want to sit down.
So we left, got some snacks and went back. He saw someone else get their photo done and he was very calm and took his hat and coat off then sat down on the stool.
Was the second time the potential charm? No.
He opted to pick his nose for a solid three minutes. And because he had been crying -it wasn't a dry was a slimy nose picking session.
But at least he wasn't crying, running away or throwing a fit. After a couple nose wipes - and three clicks of the camera - we finally got a good enough shot to use for his passport.
Then I got held hostage in the local burger joint by him, as he absolutely refused to leave without lunch...

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